question 1/17

Do you and your spouse wish to get divorced On Your own Terms?

Have you and your spouse agreed on all issues relevant to your divorce including children and property issues?

Are you and your spouse 18 years of age or older?

Are you or your spouse involved in a bankruptcy proceeding that is currently pending or active?

Domestic Violence:
Are you or your wife likely to allege domestic violence or sexual violence?

Protective Order:
Is there an open Protective Order?

Value of Marital Estate:
Do you and your spouse have assets cumulatively worth more than $1 million

Do you or your spouse own any real estate?

Do you and your spouse have children that were born during the marriage under 18 years of age?

How many children of the marriage do you and your spouse have?

Did the wife conceive a child during the marriage by someone other than the husband?

Children > Custody:
Do you and your spouse agree that custody of your children will be based on guideline standard possession order?

Children > Child Support:
Do you and your wife have agreement regarding child support and medical support.?

Retirement Accounts:
Do you or your spouse have retirement accounts such as 401k or pensions?

Retirement Accounts:
Will each spouse keep their own retirement account?

Jurisdiction and Residency:
Have either you or your spouse lived in Texas for more than 6 months?

Jurisdiction and Residency:
Have either you or your spouse lived in the county you intend to file divorce for more than 90 days?
